I was that horse crazy girl since the age of 2 years old. The one growing up, that could never stop
talking about horses, drawing horses, living and breathing horse talk at every conversation somehow. I
didn’t get my first horse until I was 19 years old however, but that didn’t stop my dedicated love for the
equine. Over the years I was particularly drawn to the hoof care aspect and it fascinated me of how
horses were built so in tune with the earth and each other along with humankind.
I began to tag along with my good friend who trimmed horses barefoot, and there began my journey to
learn the knowledge to a barefoot kept horse. She encouraged me to learn and think about creating a
future with taking care of horses, fueling my passion and desire to be of help and start a future that
mattered deeply to the horse world, myself, and most of all, the horses themselves.
This is where I met Connie and Birgitta at Success With Horses, and began studying as an apprentice
over the past 2 years. It has been an eye-opening and exciting journey to grow and learn in skills used
to provide holistic hoof care, and I strive and continue to learn more every day about these wonderful
creatures, and how we can support them to live happy and health lives.
Danny Dunn NPHCSP (Student Practitioner)
1 -867-336-6717
Whitehorse, Yukon Canada