Amelia Vincent NPHCP (Natural Performance Hoof Care Professional)

I have always known I wanted a job involving horses. I had looked into becoming a farrier, but it just never felt right. After a few years of working on different farms and ranches I was introduced to the barefoot world. I saw the improvements in once lame horses now sound and happy.

A close friend introduced me to an amazing trimmer who was one of Success with Horses first apprentices. I went to my first week-long clinic really not knowing what to expect, as I had only trimmed maybe 2 horses before that. Connie and Birgitta were both so welcoming and helped me to get as much done in that week as possible. I learned more that week then I even thought possible!

It has been an incredible journey so far and I’m excited to continue growing and learning with Success with Horses.


Amelia Vincent NPHCP
SE Calgary, AB